Peace Childcare Learning Center (CLC) is located within Peace Lutheran Church and School. The childcare center has been operational since August of 2014. Childcare offers a schedule which supports both full- and part-time working families. School-age students can participate in before- and after-school programs.
Peace CLC is open to the community. Students of all faiths, nationalities, and ethnic origins are welcome. Families do not need to be Lutheran to attend Peace CLC, but children will pray before meals, be taught Bible stories, and sing Christian songs. Childcare Teachers use a theme-based approach to plan classroom activities. Children’s interest guides the ongoing activities within the learning environment. Classrooms contain age-appropriate learning centers and activities geared toward the developmental levels of the children.
New Child Enrollment Forms:
Instructions for Registration:
If the child you are registering currently attends Peace Childcare Learning Center, please use this link:
The email address you are using will need to match the one we currently have on file. Register by clicking on the menu button (three lines.)
If the child you are registering does NOT currently attend Peace Childcare Learning Center, please use this link:
3K Enrollment Information:
**Currently the 2023-24 3K Program at Peace Childcare Learning Center is Full.
We are registering 3K for the 2024-2025 school year NOW. Please clink the links above.
Welcome to Peace Lutheran’s 3K program.
3K is offered Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday from 8:00 – 11:00am.
Please note that children must be fully potty trained to attend 3K. An occasional accident is understandable, however, if it is happening often your child might not be ready for 3K. I would be happy to discuss what our childcare programs can offer your family.
In 3K a thematic approach to education will be used. Each month there will be a general theme, activities will be based on that theme. Students will also learn letters, shapes, colors, patterns, spatial awareness, letter sounds, and so much more. During Jesus time students will learn basic bible stories. There will also be a time for indoor or outdoor play.
Current Childcare Students will use the following link:
Current Childcare Student Registration Directions
Non Peace Lutheran Learning Center Members will use the following link:
Non Current Peace Lutheran Learning Center Members Registration Directions
3K Enrollment Forms: